Monday, February 6, 2012

Loosing weight, adding meetings

I'm loosing weight again.. I've lost 16 pounds here in Thibadaux cause I made a contract with my comp to loose 4 pounds a week because I gained weight in Abbeville and Baton Rouge after I  hurt my ankle and I couldn't work out for a long time and then I went to Abbeville where they fry everything and never stopped feeding me. 
Well, the super bowl wasn't bad for us, we went and taught a members daughter that  is turning eight in a month. They asked if we would teach her the lessons so she is ready, so we were there for most of the super bowl.   The father is even a football coach at Nichols. He actually played for BYU  back when they were actually good and they only lost one game. 
We were in New Orleans again for most of the week, we went to do double work with the Kenner elders and then we had a specialized training for two days at the stake center in New Orleans.  We didn't get a lot of time to teach but we did get to see Oscar, our investigator that plays basketball, he hasn't been able to meet with us because this is the crazy time for college basketball. 
Well, I  don't have much else for this week, and this coming week we have to go to every district meeting and one with one of the assistants. We are spreading them out so we will go to one every day and two on Friday so that will take another chunk of time.
Well, take care, love ya 
Love Elder Ritchie 

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