Monday, February 20, 2012

Thank Heavens for Lent

Well, I got my new companion and we have started to work with a few people. We started teaching a couple more people on Nicholl's campus but we have only meet with them once so we are hoping to meet with them again.

We have a missionaries who don't like to work that much, but for the most part our mission is pretty solid and our zone has been really great. From what I have seen, everyone is working really hard.  I have worked with all the district leaders, they are really good and they know how to help motivate their districts. Yesterday was crazy with Mardi Gras parades, the town basically shuts down and people go crazy so missionary work is tough.  Today and especially tomorrow are the bad days, fat Tuesday.    We have been struggling to find stuff that is productive because of the partying, but it will be over soon.
Thank heavens for Lent!

We have another general authority coming this week, he is a member of the seventies named Elder Clark. He is doing a mission tour and coming to our zone conference, so that should be good. I'm  looking forward to it.
I got the package you sent me everything made it safely, the shirts fit good they still aren't a 16 on the neck but they will work.
Well I have to get running I'm down in Houma at the elder's apartments cause we are having preparation day down here, and they have computers in the complex, and the libraries are all closed.
Love you,
Love elder ritchie 

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