Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Package

We received a package from Sam.   Here are the contents, presents wrapped up in Ensign pages, ketchup packages, and a left over bag of pork cracklins!

And a letter.

Dear Family,
I got you guys some presents.  It's not much but it's something!  Mom and Dad you can open yours when you get it but everyone elses can wait.  I put in a present for Chelsie, Nolan and Dillon so make sure they get them.  And no, the wrapping paper on Chelsie's isn't "Forget Me Not", so she doesn't forget me, it's because she said that was her favorite conference talk, so yeah.  Anyways, I just barely got your 12 days of Christmas package so I'll look forward to that. 

Tell the grandparents hello and I miss them and I love their letters.  And tell Grandma Clark to stop bragging about going to Hawaii, haha, but seriously, I'm going with her next time.  Anyways, I've got some dodge Ball that needs to be played and faces that need to learn how to dodge a ball!

Love you,

Elder Ritchie

Crawdads on our Christmas Tree


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