Friday, November 18, 2011

Stay Tuned for Pictures!

A Letter!

Dear Family,

Hey, I got your card and your package so thank you!  I'm putting a SD card in here with a bunch of pictures so hopefully it doesn't get swiped.  People do that alot to the mail so you gotta be sneaky about it. The SD was wrapped in temple cards and the whole envelope was wrapped with layers and layers of tape.

Everything is going good, I think I told you mostly everything in the email I sent.  Oh, we are going to be moving to our own apartment a couple of streets over in like a month, so I will let you know when that happens.  Oh, I have been showing people my Trouble Book and they always say how cool it is.  I brought it out at an FHE dinner last night and everyone was drooling over her blue eyes.

So I haven't heard about Erica in a while, tell her hi for me, she has been out like 6-7 months now so she is almost half way.  I hit my sister-half-way-mark last month.  I wonder how the Swedish is coming for her.  I have been learning a new language again.  I went from Chalmation (it's what they cal it in Chalmette it kinda sounds like a Brooklyn accent) to Eubonics in Baton Rouge, and now I'm getting a taste of Cajun.  They talk fast!  And then the black people speak a mix of Eubonics and Cajun, it's different.  I didn't really think we had that proper of English where we live, but I got down here and feel like I sound so refined.  It's weird.  So I think I'm going to be in a tri-panionship in a couple of weeks.  I'm supposed to train again according to Pres. Wall two weeks ago, but you never know, he likes to change things a lot? But it's always good.  Well enjoy the pictures.

Take care and love ya,

Love Elder Samuel Alan Ritchie

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