Monday, November 14, 2011

Sick Days

Well, my sickness came back. I was homebound most of the week so we didn't get a whole lot done.  It's not fun being sick on your mission, it's alright for a couple of hours but once you have slept all you can, it's not fun cause there is no TV to keep you entertained while you feel like crap. Oh yeah, I lost my voice too, we were talking to a lady last Tuesday night that was an atheist and we were talking up a storm trying to help her realize that there is a God and how she can find out the truth and half way through the lesson my voice just went out on me. But I kept trying to talk and I think I made it worse than it was going to be cause we were really trying to help the lady out.  We found a good thing to share with her, I'll have to send it to you, I really like it. She was all about science and this article makes you think especially coming from  one of the smartest people there has been.
So I sat around all week and slept and read and I actaully learned a bunch of hymns from that easy hymn book they have  so I can play like 15 hymns with one hand now.  I just don't know how to teach myself how to play with the second hand, I figured it out for one song but then I took a break and forgot how.
Well, the baptism is still looking good for Saturday. Terry stopped smoking last Saturday and says he is going to do it! So, keep him in your prayers! He didn't have a problem with anything but coffee and smoking.
We are having Thankgiving here. The Campbells, our senior missionaries are cooking. We also had church here yesterday. Kinda cool waking up, studying, and walking out your bedroom and down the hall to the chapel.  It went well, we had 19 people here, we were missing a family of 5 so that hurt a little but still a good turn out. We had the senior office couple that I got to work with for a week come give talks, they were really good. 
And yes, I could use a sweater, it gets cool here.  Haha, I never thought I would be saying 40 degrees is to cold but I don't like it.  I bought some long socks because slacks don't hold the heat in and the wind goes through em. I'm looking for an old suit at a thrift store so I don't have to wear my nice ones on a bike. It's been fun on a bike, there are lots of ditches to jump in and out of and I've found some good ledges to drop off of. I had to go buy a skateboarding helmet too because bike helmets aren't as comfortable. Oh, and I would also enjoy a beenie if your ever sending a package, just throw one of my old ones in or something, just for the mornings. I bought a double xl hoodie that I wear when I study: comfy, giant, and warm! We're not allowed to swim in water so I bought a hoodie that I could swim around in instead!
We have also been helping a guy get our new apartment all ready it is sweet!! I want one like it when I get home, it has a loft that we study in and it's big and the ceiling is some old kind of wood he found and put up then he just ran a steel brush over and stained it.  It's a man cave haha! There are like no windows, and the guy we are renting it from is going to live on the side of the house in his houseboat. But he is normally out hunting and fishing all the time and goes to his cabin which I guess is bigger than most houses here (not hard to do).

Well that's about all I got!
love ya'll
love elder ritchie
P.S. Mom, I found your birthday in the Book of Mormon Alma 14:23!

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