Monday, November 7, 2011

Spreading Viruses and the Gospel

Soooo, I got sick last week... I was out for a day... and now everyone is catching it. I guess im just a trend setter... everyone want to do what elder ritchie is doing.. joke!   But other than being sick it was a good week, we played some football and soccer with some members from Idaho last Monday.  We have a family in our group that is from Idaho and they loved the Boise State shirt you guys sent, so good job!
I was on an exchange in New Iberia with Elder Geuthiex from Tahiti, he looks like he could be Collins twin brother except a little shorter and a smaller nose.  But they kinda have the same personality, kinda a shy funny kid.  French is his first language as well. So I think I decided that's where Collin really comes from, Tahiti. I'll have to get a picture with him.  Oh, and I'm going to Tahiti when I get home. 
Oh, thanks for the snowboarding pictures too, people like to see the snow and  the mountains cause most haven't really ever seen any.  They just don't know what they are missing out on! Haha! Mountains are where the prophets go to dwell with God, so its a good thing they have a temple down here cause there are noooo mountains! Although I did hear a rumor that there are hills up in Mississippi in Natches or Alexandria somewhere so I was gonnna try and go there when I was in the office, make a trip to see the elders and maybe a so called "hill" but it will have to wait.  But I'm glad to be out of the office and teaching again cause after a week I was getting rusty with teaching. We had a couple lessons but they weren't very good. We didn't get to study very often either so it's true, if you don't use it you lose it!
I just like it here and I'm glad I got here when I did because we started teaching Terry a day or two after I got here and it is looking like his baptism is going to happen on the 19th. He's excited about it and he is really working for it, it's not easy but he is doing it!
So Mercy wants everyone to lick her?? Man have things changed since I left haha!  (In my letter I said that nothing has changed, then what I meant to say was that Mercy the dog still wanted to lick everyone). Well thats all I got for now.  Take care! Love ya!
love elder ritchie

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