Monday, October 24, 2011

Sermons in a small town

I'm out of the city now, it's nice to be away from all the traffic of Baton Rouge.... but I do miss it already.  But so far Abbeville is awesome, there are some really cool people out here. We don't have a church here but they do have a group that meets twice a month in the house where we live. We are living with a senior missionary couple that is doing a service mission.  They use their house for the group meetings. The closest church is in Lafayette so we went there yesterday and it was really great, it felt alot more like a home ward than what I've been accustomed to in Baton Rouge or New Orleans. But is still had its differences.  The people here are really nice, I forgot what it was like to be in a smaller town and how people on the street just talk to you.
We have had some really good progress here, we found a bunch of new invesitgators. It was kind of like we got double transfered into the area, both me and  my comapion Elder Limb.  The President called me last week to come to the mission home to have a chat and he told me about the situation here and  that I would stay until December and then I'm probably going to be training again after that.  So it's kinda been a different experience.  But we have gotten some work done in the 3 days I've been here, found 4 new investigators and had one to church and 3 have baptismal dates so its been alot of fun! 
We have a big FHE every Sunday afternoon as well and it usually brings out about 30 people. We ate a lot of food and then had dessert and I was in charge of the spirtiual thought or lesson so I did a lesson on "bondage and repentance" and how sin puts us in bondage. We read some good scriptures and then got a volunteer (there were a bunch of kids there so I did an object lesson) we had him come up with us and we had a giant bag of candy and we said that the bag of candy represented happiness or eternal life.. and then we asked if he wanted that candy and he said of course.. but we told him he had sinned so we had to put him in bondage so we taped his hands together so he couldn't grab the candy, then explained he had to repent to get the candy and we cut him free.  It went over great.
Oh, you know how  I said we didn't have to worry about traffic any more, well one of the big reasons is because I'm on a bike now...haha!  I went from unlimited miles in our giant van and driving different cars all day and driving  new cars right off the lot with only one mile on them.... to my bike! haha!  Oh well, at least I have the memories.  But I was missing teaching because we didn't get to teach hardly at all in the office. So I was pumped when I got here and got to go back to full time proselyting.
So Dillon is home, crazy! Hopefully he makes it back out! Tell him if he goes state-side to request Louisiana haha! Come teach some of these cajuns with me!
So Alisha is engaged! Haha! That's funny cause I think Elder Salizar wrote here a letter, he wanted someone to write and I know Alisha likes writing missionaries. Whoops!
Anyways tell Taylor and Nolan and Joe good luck for me.
love elder ritchie

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