Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Driving Cars for the Mission Office

Hey Mom, your old! Sorry but 50 is old. But there is nothing worng with being old though, old people are good at some stuff!
Everything is going good here working in the mission office, we get to do all the dirty work.  We get to run the fleet of cars, 51 of them and we get to drive a 14 passenger van around! Even when we go out and proselyte.  So that's pretty sweet, we  can just run people over now if we want. My companion is from LA and he is almost done, he goes home right when I hit a year.  We are doing great, we don't get a lot of time to work with the people here now since we work in the office from 10 to 5 from Tuesday to Friday and then we get to go out and teach on nights and weekends so hopefully we get some spiritual work done too. It's a little different, we got to drive to New Orleans last week, it kinda made me feel home sick. I hope I get to serve down there agian some time. Maybe I'll get to go to Chalmette while working in the office since we get to run all over the mission and deal with cars and help with apartments.  We even get to sell cars! So, I've been driving a lot of cars lately.
The Jackson's are doing great they weren't able to make it to church though, so that kinda stunk. But we're still seeing progress. Well I hope you all liked your birthday presents. I forgot when Rebecca's was actually, I don't think she ever told me. So happy birthday Rebecca!
Well,  love you guys, miss you
Love, elder ritchie

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