Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Finding a Big "Golden" Family

Hey, it looks like I'm staying here another transfer?? Guess I still have work to do here haha!
I'm kinda glad I'm staying though, we found a really cool new family last week! A family of 7 and we're able to commit 6 for baptism. They have met with missionaries before and the thing holding them back was not being married and the dad was smoking, but in the 2 years since they met with missionaries they were able to get married and he quite smoking so it has been a giant miracle. It's a crazy story of how we ran into them, we were reffered to someone else by another investigator we have and we tried to talk to them but we got the wrong person who said somone in a house down the street used to meet with the missionaries and to try down there. So we went down the street and played the guessing game of which of the houses it was. We ended up finding a girl in the first one we picked that said she had not met with missionaries before but we had a good lesson with her and she said she would like to get baptized and then we went back and taught her again and that time we invited her little sister that was 14 to listen and she was really excited. Then we stoped by again and they said they had talked to their mom about us and their mom was excited to meet us. We ended up meeting her a few days later and she said she had met with us before and she wanted to learn more but they were talking their baby to the hospital so we set up another time and we went back. When we got there the whole family (6 of them at the time) were gathered waiting for us and they were all asking really good questions and the father was  saying how he would really like to see all of his kids baptized. We had a member named Johnathan B. (but every one calls Whoop) with us. He is a convert of 2 years and is getting his mission papers ready so we have had him out with us whenever we can get him. Our ward hasn't had a missionary in years. Anyway, when the dad said he had been baptized before in another church, Whoop chimed in and said he was too but it really came down to the authority that our church has and how no one else even claims to have the proper authority.  The dad loved that! So we've had a solid last week!  I'm glad, it's going to make staying a whole lot better! I'm excited to stay now and work with a big awesome family.
We are also working with a part member family that is coming along really great, the parents are members but not active and their kids haven't been baptized. They were super happy I was able to stay. But I'm losing my companion and getting a new one and they threw something else at me, I'm going to be a part time office elder. We just got a new senior couple in the office and they need a lot of help, so me and my new companion, Elder Anderson, are going to be working in the office a lot too.  So it's going to be an interesting transfer.
I'm sending you a package with a birthday present for eveyone that has birthdays coming up (including Josh) or had them already. You guys can fight it out for what you want. So, Happy Birthday Mom, Peter, Rebecca and Josh!
So I hear your're already getting snow! That's crazy! haha! It's still in the 70/80 range here so I'm pretty happy with the good weather for football.  LSU is still holding number one! The town is getting antsy.  I think I'll get to be here for the end of the college season too! Thats cool!  Mom, when I get back we gotta go sky diving because your 50 now! haha! Half way to 100!  And its not crayfish its crawfish!  But I've been eating so much lately I'm not to sad  I missed it (the Semi-Annual Ritchie Crab, Shrimp, and Crawfish Feed).
Well, I'll let you know how the office elder work is and how the Jackson family progresses. Let me know when you get the package!
love you!
love elder ritchie

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