Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tropical Storms don't stop BBQs

You asked if I hear about LSU football. WOW, DO I HEAR ABOUT LSU FOOTBALL!!!! That's all I've heard about... haha! They won this week so everyone was in a really good mood.. and it was cool that Boise came and beat an SEC team, people know where I'm from cause of Boise State.

I can't believe you didn't go camping at Fall River on Labor Day... that's weird.. don't worry I won't let the tradition die, I'll start it again in 2 years even if i go by myself.

They evacuated the New Orleans missionaries and put us on lockdown on Saturday because of the tropical storm. We had 4 missionaries stay with us so we just had a giant party. It was a weird weekend because it was sunny on Saturday when were on lockdown with just spurts of really bad rain and then on Sunday they took off the lock down and it was super windy and rainy... but by the time church and studying were over it got kinda nice so we went out. We just went to a bbq that an investigator invited us to haha, tropical storms don't stop bbq's I found out! Then we went to a less actives house and had a lesson. He's from Africa and he made us eat too and I was literally the fullest I've ever been because there was so much rice and they made us finish, I had to go back to the apartment and make myself throw up I was so full I think the rice was expanding in my stomach and was about to explode so I had to get it out of there.

Anyways, I'll try and get some pictures home, I've got some good ones so I'll try and mail them home next week cause it takes forever to email them. I was waiting for a memory card but maybe I'll just go by one and send the old one home. But when I send the old one home don't erase the picture just copy them and send it back cause I still like to have them When you send it back send some more pictures of me just doing stuff, people really like to see pictures especially the the ones of snowboarding. You can go add the people that want to be my friends on facebook now, I think there are a few.

Guess what, its in the 70's here!!!! So nice outside today! Thanks for the cds Luke, I love em, definitely a good choice with the Enya and the Walk in the Woods cds, there's one song on there that is just instrumental and kinda techno a little bit that sounds a little like donkey kong 3, its sweet!

The work is still going pretty good, we had SH. an investigator show up to church this week even with the crazy weather but she's going through a rough time because she wants to learn more about the church but her husband is super anti so we can't really go over there.... so that's no good. We're trying to involve the members but its tough.. well that's all I got for now, thanks again for the package!! I love the jerky its my favorite! and the cds and my green apple lip balm, good stuff... and I just got handed another package from the Spragues! so I'm gonna open that, so say thanks to them too!!

till next week love ya!! take care
lover elder ritchie