Monday, September 12, 2011


Every thing is still going good down here, we have had some really nice weather down here, in the 70s and not humid! It's been nice, I love being outside when it's like this. There's not the haze of the smog and humidity, it's clear and green. I love how everything is still really green here and hasn't died yet. I'm still waiting to see if the leaves on trees change colors or not in the fall.

We had a pretty productive week, we started teaching a woman from Brazil and her husband from Greece. So we are still using the gift of tongues and interpretation like crazy haha but they both speak pretty good English so its not hard at all (better than a lot we have taught).

Darrius gave a talk in church yesterday that was really good! and we got to see Detchewery the recent convert form France finally get the priesthood and another recent convert name Wes passed the sacrament with us. They were all baptized one after the other in a three week span so its cool to see them all doing great. Darrius was baptized first and he and Wes passed the sacrament and now he's given a talk. We had a dinner with his family last night but his wife speaks very little English. and then Wes was baptized and he is marrying into a Mormon family soon. He has been really fun to work with because of the changes he has made. He is a very driven guy when he wants to be, he always has questions and is working towards getting married and then in a year they are going to get sealed in the temple Then Detchewery was the third baptism of the three and he is the one from France. Very smart, he's 23 and has a masters in communications and is working on another in business administration so he can take over the family business back in France and Africa (oh yeah, he's black). Anyway, that's a little bit of whats going on down here. A lot of good stuff!

Well I miss "ya'll" (don't worry i still don't say y'all and never will, I hate it) but I have picked up on some ebonics or whatever they call it, haha, "the Book of Norman", "ax you a question", "scriptors", "squwimp" (shrimp), "churn" (children), haha, its weird the "skreet" it the street "skraight" its straight!

anyways, love ya

love elder ritchie

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