Monday, September 19, 2011

Nerf Gun Warfare and Deep Thoughts

(I was writing to Sam about our trip to Lake Powell - one of his favorite places - this week and how the Spragues were going to have to plan a trip when he and Erica his cousin are home from their missions.) That's good that you got to the lake, we gotta have an epic trip when we get home! Cause I'm sure you all are just going insane with boredom with out me and Erica I mean Syster Sprague.

But everything is still going good here in Louisiana. Baton Rouge is still an adventure! We saw the Sons of Guns TV show's shop the other day, The Red Jacket, we were going to stop in with our nerf guns and get them upgraded. Do you thing they would put us on TV, a bunch of Mormon missionaries bringing in nerf guns asking them to modify them for our nerf war we are going to have? I think it would be prime time stuff.. haha! But we really are having a nerf war today for one of the missionaries in our districts birthday. I got a nerf sniper rifle and I'm getting pretty good with it.. haha!

We had a good week this week, a lot of good stuff going on and then some let downs with it. Our investigators will switch on and off from one week to the next. A few will get hot and want to learn and come to church, then they cool off and others start to be interested. It eventually comes back full circle, its weird. We're trying to get some of them over the hump and keep them coming but Satan is real and throws all he's got at them. A lot of the time he works through others in their lives that are more susceptible to get down on those that are working for good. It's tough to watch people start to feel the spirit really strong and work really hard for something and then just stop because of some little thing someone did or said to them or sometimes the other people don't have to say anything, they just are worried they will. Makes you think of how Heavenly Father feels, especially when some people who already have the truth in their lives start to turn away from it.

But that kinda sounds doom an gloomish. It's been a really good week actually, we had the H. family at church and they seemed to really enjoy it! It makes all the difference when members throw themselves into the mix and introduce themselves to investigators and not just the other investigators. Every time they talk to anyone that is new its cool. Well that's all I got today. So, till next week!

love ya,
love elder ritchie

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