Monday, March 5, 2012

Time in Thibadaux

Sooooo, we had a pretty awesome week this week, I was able to go on exchange with a new elder that came into my area, so I got to stay put for once! He is from Pocatello and he has only been out two weeks so I got to hear how Idaho is doing and what the real world is like these days. I think I've decided that Idaho and Utah aren't the real world, they are figments of peoples' imaginations.. haha! But that's not necessarily a bad thing. It was good to stay here for the week I've been running around like crazy so we were able to get to work and we had a really good week.
We found five new investigators that have really love learning about the gospel. We knocked a door a while back and met a guy named Johnathan that told us to come back, so we did and we were able to sit down with him and his girlfriend and their two roommates and have some good gospel conversations. They always have crazy but good questions for us. They really liked what we taught them about the plan of salvation and how those that never got to hear about Jesus and his gospel will have the chance to hear the truth. That was actually one of the questions that they brought up. So Elder Curtis and I were just smiling at each other because normally we bring that up but they were able to come to the question on their own. We read through the plan of salvation pamphlets that we have  the next time we met with them and they basically taught themselves and we kinda just answered any questions they had, which is alot!  People are usually very curious about missionaries and Mormons in general.  We showed them a picture of the Salt Lake temple and they loved it cause they were talking about getting married and we told them how it can be forever and not till death do us part and they really loved that. 
Someone else we taught got baptised yesterday but it wasn't a convert baptism cause she just turned eight. There were some non members at the baptism and the girlfriend of less active member who has been coming back for the last couple weeks told us she wanted to get baptized so we are going to go start teaching her this week. So we have had a good week, it's been nice cause we haven't been able to have much time to do alot of missionary work the last couple weeks between meetings and Mardi Gras, so this week was a real tender mercy for us to get the time to see some miracles. There's nothing like the feeling of coming out of a lesson when the spirit was there and you get to look back and see how it was able to help someone with what they were going through and the questions they had.
So Mother, that wasn't a very descriptive description of your studies... haha!  I wanna know what your learning, not just what your studying. I was reading in Preach My Gospel today and it also said to ask your family and friends in letters and emails for experiences and blessings they have received from living the gospel. So if you have any that have happened recently, fill me in cause it's always nice to have good experiences to read and to share with others.
And Dad, thanks for the letter you sent on how to be a good leader I've actually been working on the eye contact thing and it has really helped me so I don't just stare off when my companion is teaching I've been trying to look to him an really work on my eye contact with investigators when I teach.  That was something my trainer and I did alot of, he was a master of eye contact so it was a good reminder cause sometimes the little things like that can slip through the cracks when you get teaching.
That's awesome news that Nolan should be heading out soon!! Is he still going to Mexico? (Sam's friend Nolan is finally leaving for his mission to Monteray after a back injury kept him from leaving on his mission in October).
And happy birthday Dad!! Maybe next year we can go to Salmon for your present cause I didn't get you anything this year. 
 love you

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