Monday, March 19, 2012

Another good week in Thibodaux!

Another good week in Thibodaux! Well, I was actually in Harahan for five days on an exchange, but when I did get back it was really good!! It was nice getting to do another exchange in New Orleans, it really makes me miss the city and the culture and the people, hopefully I get to make it back over there to serve. I was actually on an exchange with a missionary that came out like 3 months ago and he graduated the same year as Peter which is kinda crazy, he is 25 and just barely got out. But he is solid and an awesome missionary.
When I did get back to Thibodaux we went and saw our investigators K, C, S, and J.  We just stopped by to set a time up to see them because my companion waited till I got back to stop by and I'm glad he did cause it was a sweet experience. C. told us that he got an answer that he needed to join and that he had been praying about it during sacrament at church last Sunday. He had been trying to find out if this is what he needed to do and he said when he got home he got on YouTube to look something up and a "I'm a Mormon" ad came up and it was the first time he had ever seen one and he feel really good about joining in that moment and knew it was right, so that was way sweet. His girlfriend is following right behind him, she said she felt really good at church, not quite as obvious of a sign but she was able to feel a sense of peace and belonging in church! So they are doing really good. We had another lesson with them about the word of wisdom and they both committed to live it. In the lesson, K. kinda was still a little confused about the restoration and didn't fully grasp it and then C. started to explain it and bore testimony about it and how it was essential to have the way back to God restored and how Joseph Smith was just like him, looking for a church, and then God and Jesus appeared to Josheph and told him that he was to join none of them and then he would restore the truth... the spirit came in the room really strong when he started to teach and the funny thing is we didn't teach him that in-depth about the restoration, so I know that when we did teach it he was learning from the spirit. We had some of the Yount Sing Adults there with us when we were teaching, two of the Nichol's students Hayden and Pa'a, and they said they felt the spirit when he started to teach.  We had left them Alma 32 to read and C. read it twice and said that the 21st verse stuck out to him and really helped him understand the definition of faith. Haha! It has been a fun week and I've just been blessed to even be a part of it!
Well I'm glad Nolan finally got to have a sort-of farewell, I'm excited for him to get out and start teaching cause it's the best!
I'm going to try and write Sullivan today, I'm finally in Thibodaux on a Monday so maybe I'll get something done... I've kinda been a slacker when it comes to writing people, I have a stack of letters that I gotta start responding to or no one will write me anymore.
Well, they're shutting off the computer cause of construction so I gotta get going, love ya'll!
love, elder ritchie

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