Saturday, December 29, 2012

The day the world didn't end

Hey, we have a baptism this weekend! Reda is getting baptized, she is really excited! Things are going good my comp, still has really bad poison ivy and we have been trying to deal with that. Oh, I got to go bowling Monda,y that was fun. Had more meetings in Baton Rouge this week and it looks like we will be there next week too. We have Elder Packer coming, he's President Packer the apostles son.
Yeah, not sure who the new Bishop in your ward is but cool. Oh, will you find out what he wants me to speak on sometime soon? Well it doesn't have to be really soon, I don't wanna worry about it for a little while, but would be nice to think about a little before I come home in case in come across any thing I could use.
Oh, so we kinda accidentally played a joke on some missionaries in our zone on the 21st. They sent us a text asking if we were still alive cause that was supposed to be the end of the world, and Elder Lee and I were planning so we were ignoring, slash messing with them and sent them a couple bank texts. Then they sent us a text asking why we sent them and then we sent a couple more so they called us and we answered and started making noise by dropping the phone on the couch.  Then we called them back and didn't say anything when they answered so we hung up and we called back and Elder Lee started screaming and then I dropped the phone on the couch.  Then we kinda forgot we did that cause we were trying to finish planning. Then we were going to bed and Elder Lee noticed there were a couple messages from them asking if we were OK and there was a missed call from President Wall and then the phone started vibrating again saying he was calling and his face just went blank and he told me the president's calling so I said throw me the phone but it was to late we missed it again, so I hurried and called the other missionaries and let them know we were alright because they really thought we were dying and they called President. He called to check on us while I was talking to them so I answered and he asked if we were alright so I told him what was going on how we were finishing planning and forgot to tell them it was a joke (we thought they knew but apparently Elder Lee's screaming sounded convincing) and then he said alright just wanted to make sure you were alright and then he said quit scaring people and we both laughed and hung up. So we learned a lesson; end of the world jokes are only funny till someone thinks your actually dying.  And Elder Lee is convincing, he could be an actor in a scary movie apparently. But we made it up to the missionaries by taking them bowling.
So we have a stake conference regional broadcast coming up and one of the apostles should be speaking, I think Elder Cook but apparently he asked our mission for some miracles of investigators coming into the church and Elder Smith, my last comp, said that they asked for the story of Nick and our president said he might not use the ones he selected to send Elder Cook but he was definitely going to read them so that's cool that he is gonna read Nick's conversion story and could possibly use it in a talk.
I got to talk to a Mallory a member in Denham Spring that was just returning to activity when I was there the other day. She is fully active and has a calling in the young women's now.
well, I best be going love y'all
love elder ritchie

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Zone is on Fire!

Hey, another good week here! I was in Markville most of the week on an exchange. we have an investigator that is nine years old  named Alex K. we were working on getting him baptised here this Saturday but we had to push it back, we are trying to make it work so the dad can baptize him and its looking good so far if we push the date back a week or two. 
We have another investigator that is in her sixties named Rita that has a date for January 5th. I finally got to met her at church, they had a lesson with her while I was gone but we should teach her again this week even though I'll be up in Many on an exchange I should be back for it. She seems like a really awesome lady and she was saying that she wished she was just baptized already and she is looking forward to getting the gift of the Holy Ghost. 
I got to give a baptismal interview to a lady in Oakdale last week that is the wife of the 1st councilor of the first presidency (I'm not sure what first counselor of what first presidency he is talking about here, somehow I don't think he's talking about Sister Eyring - marie). It was a really awesome interview! She had a stroke a couple weeks ago and is doing really well and ever since, she hasn't smoked and hasn't wanted to and thats the main thing that was holding her back. It was probably the best baptismal interview I've ever been in she was really excited and anxious to get baptized already. I get to go do another couple of interviews in Many this week, thats why I'll be up there. Our zone has been on fire lately, most of the companionships are doing really good work and it has really been showing.
Yes, I did get the package this morning, so I got to open a few of the presents. We had fun with the paddle balls this morning, it got a little dangerous though.
So there is a member here that is moving to Shelley right after Christmas. He said if I needed to send any boxes home I could give them to him. So if there is anything y'all might want from here let me know and I'll send it.  I will probably send some Gumbo Rue's home so I can make a gumbo and some Slap Ya Ma'ma.
Thats awesome Dave and Lori finally got sealed! And that everyone is going on missions! And Josh said there is a possibility he might have his call before I get home!
So for Christmas we're not really sure what time we are calling yet. It will probably be around 1pm your time and 2pm here we are guessing.  If we don't get to email next week we will have a member text you when we will call or something.
So Elder Lee's mom called you, haha! that's funny! I will have to tell him. 

Well, I best be going,
Love y'all!
Love, elder ritchie

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Life in Leesville LA

Here is the new address:
204 E. wingate #10
Leesville, LA 71446
We asked him if it would be OK if he had his homecoming the same day as another returning missionary in our ward.
Yeah that will be fine to have my homecoming talk the same day as Jordan Cox.  The sooner the better!

The new area is good, it has Fort Polk an army base on it so it alot different than normal Louisiana.  There are alot of members from all over so its not so much the normal Louisiana culture but its cool to be around all the military people.  The ward changes all the timefrom the sounds of it. 
I dont really need anything for christmas.
Well, have a good week!
love elder ritchie 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Travel Itinerary and a Transfer

This week we got a Travel Itinerary for Elder Ritchie!  His release date has been moved up to February 21st.  He'll be flying into the Idaho Falls Airport at 5:47 pm!
Here's the short note he sent on Tuesday:
Baptism went great! Jen is doing awesome and is super committed to the gospel.
I'm getting transferred again tomorrow, probably to Leesville.

Have a good week.
Love, elder ritchie