Monday, August 15, 2011

Do me a favor and steal my Book of Mormons and Motab CDs

Everything is still good here, nope we didn't get our investigators baptized, they kinda fell off the face of the earth for a while but we got back in contact with the family and I let them borrow The Testaments a couple weeks ago and they said they watched it and really liked it. We just gotta stay in contact with them now but it's harder now that school started. Oh yeah, school started last week here, it's pretty crazy to start the first week of August.

Our Iranian friends family got back and they came to church this week, they looked pretty weary and nervous at first but at the end Brother Maughan had like half the ward go over and get to know them so they seemed a lot more relaxed when they were talking to people. D. seemed really happy that they we able to meet people. We actaully found a good video on about a lady that speaks Farsi and is from Iran so we are going to try to watch that with them some time and I think his wife will really like that.

I can't remember if I told you but my companion's bike got stolen last Monday. He hadn't even ridden it yet. I felt super bad cause I probably should have locked it up for him cause the gates on our apartment complex have been broken so anyone can just drive in lately. We think someone got into our car but there's not much to steal in there unless they are looking for a Book of Mormom or some motab cds and that would probably be doing us a favor on both fronts :) I'm sick of motab and they would be taking what we try to give people everyday haha. I still want some good music by the way I'm counting on some Enya soon, I actually borrowed some but its her Christmas cd so we need more and preferably not Christmas music we have plenty of that unless its really good stuff..

Well, transfers are on the 31st so not for a couple weeks but I'm most likely staying because the new training plan keeps the trainer and the trainee together for two transfers. But it's not set in stone... Well, bye till next week!

Love ya
elder ritchie

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