Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm Going to New Orleans!

We received a letter from Sam's mission president, President Woods. His first assignment is:

Area: New Orleans Zone, Chalmette Area
Zone Leaders: Elder Heredia & Elder Woodings
Companion: Elder Tyrell Scot Cranney
Address: 3701 Golden Street #C, Chalmette, LA 70043

Here is what he wrote on his "I've Arrived" letter:

I'm going to New Orleans! My companion is from Utah and it is his last transfer. We are going into the area shere Katrian hit hard but they are rebuilding. We are actually starting a new district there for the first time since Katrina. I'm looking forward to it! I'm not even mad you had your "semi-annual shrimp fest" without me because I think I'll make up for it a few times over.

I love my mission president, he is an awesome guy, very straight forward and alot of fun. It is way different down here....HUMID. And it's not even that hot yet! But I'll get used to it. Oh, and it's green here already and there is swamp everywhere, so that's cool. It is like Idaho's opposite; wet, low, and flat. Right now I'm in Baton Rouge just down the road from LSU. It's awesome. Oh, tell Pete I saw Cowboy Stadium shen I landed in Dallas, it looks like the hill behind our house except it's a building and it's way flat so that is all you can see. Well tell everyone to pray for no hurricanes this coming summer.

Love, Elder Ritchie

Sam and the President Woods and his wife.

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