Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Goodbye Family, Hello MTC

We spent the night of the 23rd in Pleasant Grove with Dena and Kim. In the morning, Sam finished packing his bags.

We went to the Timpanogus Temple with Dena, Kim, and Erica to do sealings. It was fun to see these two close cousins together before they go on missions. Erica is leaving in May for Sweden.

Doesn't this almost look like an engagement photo?

We stopped by Brenda's house to say goodbye.

We parked by the Provo Temple and planned to walk down to the MTC.

Sam was anxious to be on time, amazing considering the fact that he was never concerned about being on time to church.

Erica really wanted to be there to say goodbye one more time, she ran up just in time.

Before we crossed the street to the MTC, we were informed that we had to drive in, no walking in. So Brad ran back, drove the car down and we loaded six of us into a Camry and drove across the street to the MTC.

The Host Elders helped us unload the suitcases, asking multiple times if had remembered to leave his cell phone and keys behind. We hugged good-bye and drove away.

Conflicting emotions.

And so it begins.

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